mercredi 21 janvier 2015


J'ai une "toune" de l'été 69 qui me trotte continuellement dans la tête.
Cliquer sur l'image pour l'écouter! 
Regardez-moi sortir de la capsule de pilotage FULL SPEED!

Wow, Wow, Mike baisse le son un peu. Es-tu rendu sourd?
O.K. Mo!

Well, it was just to put a little ambiance behind the driving weel, imagine yourself full throttle with that tune. I will have to cool down a little, those turbines are lock at 100Km/hr. for an easy ride. In any case, I will dream I flight with a supersonic craft!

Now, the bad news is that summer is still some 150 days away yet !
The good news is that it must be sunny and warmer somewhere. So, that enought to get us started on a new trip on board Startrek ... 

Sorry for you Miss Winter, we won't regret you for the rest of the winter! We had enought of your presence for now.

Were are we heading? Well, this time, we will tell you as we travel. Watch out for the lighting of the turbine of our spacial vehicule Startrek very soon...

For shure, we will keep a magnetic heading of 180 degree for a while wen we will take off.

So have your parachute nicely fold up and your luggage ready if you want to step on board with us for that flight. It's at least a two months flight, so tell your buddy not to fill the fridge to heavely because you won't be home for supper for a few nights.

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